понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

florida mpa

Of all of this?

What is the point in deleting every entry that i do not agree with or that upsets me.

Your Friends must thing that i am fucking insane, aside from all the awful things that you have told them about me in our darkest of hours

How can i be so insane?

To think that you are unhappy, when almost every journal you write is "venting" bad things.

Furthermore i dont understand why it is that you only write bad things for your drama-crazy friends to read about us.

They must think we are a really fucked up couple right?

I�will soon be deleting my livejournal all together after you read this.

What i dont know cant hurt me as much as the things i have read and found out from this.

Livejournal endlessly opens new cans of worms because of people like you
People that dont put thought into what they write, people that deep down dont give a fuck what their lover is going to think when he reads about you complaining endlessly of how terrible your life is.


See that peice of paper infront of you?

The only difference between that paper and this livejournal thing is what everybody can read this livejournal thing.
It isnt and never was meant to be private.

If you dont know that then


I am officially tired of being the bad guy

I�never asked for this position

And also, when you say that you dont care about what people at your school think of you and then you
ACCIDENTLY send me a text saying
"im walking to class so embarressed about my outfit i am rediculous.."

It kind of leaves me wondering if you are lying.

Oh yeah, but i almost forgot...


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