понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Of all of this?

What is the point in deleting every entry that i do not agree with or that upsets me.

Your Friends must thing that i am fucking insane, aside from all the awful things that you have told them about me in our darkest of hours

How can i be so insane?

To think that you are unhappy, when almost every journal you write is "venting" bad things.

Furthermore i dont understand why it is that you only write bad things for your drama-crazy friends to read about us.

They must think we are a really fucked up couple right?

I�will soon be deleting my livejournal all together after you read this.

What i dont know cant hurt me as much as the things i have read and found out from this.

Livejournal endlessly opens new cans of worms because of people like you
People that dont put thought into what they write, people that deep down dont give a fuck what their lover is going to think when he reads about you complaining endlessly of how terrible your life is.


See that peice of paper infront of you?

The only difference between that paper and this livejournal thing is what everybody can read this livejournal thing.
It isnt and never was meant to be private.

If you dont know that then


I am officially tired of being the bad guy

I�never asked for this position

And also, when you say that you dont care about what people at your school think of you and then you
ACCIDENTLY send me a text saying
"im walking to class so embarressed about my outfit i am rediculous.."

It kind of leaves me wondering if you are lying.

Oh yeah, but i almost forgot...


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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Iori woke up on the ground, once feeling the warm liquid that was his blood around him. He wasnapos;t sure what had happened, he couldnapos;t remember most of the last fight. The cut on his cheek appears to have gotten worse from the scrape that it was from the earlier bullet, and his arm appears to have been caught in an explosion. This was nothing he couldnapos;t deal with, of course. He slowly got to one knee, clutching onto his midsection. He figured most likely, that the girl had kicked him while he was down again, only this time with more ferocity. Once again, nothing he could deal with. After all, this time unconcious seems to have healed the pain coming from his hip, and his leg didnapos;t ache as much anymore.

His mind quickly shifted to Kula. He had been observing his own injuries, he needed to tend to hers first however. He turned around... And noticed she wasnapos;t there. He quickly stood up, pain be damned, and looked around him. Kula was nowhere to be found. At this point, he feared the worst. The girl couldapos;ve taken her hostage... Or Kula might have left him to be beaten like this again... Or she could be dead. The girlapos;s weapons were deadly no doubt, and it seems that she wouldnapos;t hesitate to kill either of them if given the chance.

He fell to his knees again, clutching at his head as his blood seemingly began to boil inside. He had been drifting in and out of conciousness already, and now his mind had simply given in. The girl, Bulleta. She must be found. She has to be found and killed. Those other two... MEITO... And his girlfriend... They have to die too. They all need to suffer... Even if not them, then everyone else. They all must die. All of them.

And with one scream, the blood of the Orochi had taken over Ioriapos;s body once again.

((OOC: Sorry sorry sorry I probably seem a bit impatient with this, but itapos;s just something I had in my mind for a while and... Yeah. So uh... Donapos;t hate me for starting this this late? >_>;;

Also, all of Ioriapos;s actions will be written this way, just so you know.))

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Inside Kandaapos;s right coat pocket, he keeps a small sheaf of papers tied together with a ribbon, along with a small brush and ink supplies. This is what is written on these papers, in imperfectly-rendered Japanese characters.

I am keeping this record as an assurance against my clearly-compromised memory.

I believe that someone named Komui was involved in sending me to this place.
I do not know why I am here, or how I got here.
There is a white-haired boy named Moyashi who has been gravely injured.
I discovered him where blood covered a room, and my body.
I do not know how I should know him, or how he knows me.
He claims that I caused his wounds.
He has called me a Noah.
The Moyashi does not communicate coherently.
I have no concrete reason to doubt him or believe him.
A twisted nightmare version of me has challenged me for its own entertainment.
It rants of exorcists and "the only way."
It is confident of its superiority, and I have no reason to doubt it.
This nightmare may hold the key to my purpose here.

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Despite San Joseapos;s lame loss to Anaheim (Why?� Oh, why did it have to be Anaheim?� I get such satisfaction when their faces are rubbed in their suckiness.� Except Ryan Getzlaf.� He seems to actually be pretty good, and I have no proof heapos;s as much of an asshole as Teemu Selanne and Chris Pronger are.� Iapos;m sure time will tell) I am still completely stoked, because:

A) Have my ticket for tomorrowapos;s Stars-Avalanche game.� I�decided that since Iapos;m just sort of a casual observer for this game with no real love for Dallas and a couple of years of alienation from Colorado, Iapos;d try out the cheap seats, and I was prepared to pay my $15 and squint, but theyapos;re�having an October promo, all $40 tickets were $15� Iapos;m sitting in the $40 seats for $15� That extra $25 will nearly pay for gas to Dallas� Sweet

B)� I�HAVE�MY�TICKETS�FOR�SHARKS-CANUCKS�on December 23rd.� Leeza and I are going, like we do, and Iapos;m thrilled.� Heapos;s been shopping for Sharks-affiliate clothing online, and heapos;s getting me�a present.� I got us excellent upperdeck seats, and weapos;re sitting right behind my real hockey heroes, Dan Rusanowsky and Jamie Baker, the radio announcers for San Jose.� These guys are my lifeline to California in the hot, dark, Texas winters.� Also, Sharks��And Canucks� My two favorites�

DJ and I�are leaving at 8 so I can drop him off at the motorcycle machine shop at 11 and get into downtown for some lunch and then the 1pm game, and Iapos;ll get home at dinnertime.� But Iapos;m showing up to his house at 7:30 to use his shop vac on my sad, sad car interior.� I must finally get Carolinaapos;s dogapos;s hair out of my backseat.

PS: Saw "W"�tonight, and I nearly had to leave from the disgustingness.� I�hate looking at mouths.� I think they are unclean and mostly unattractive.� And this was two hours of closeups of Josh Brolinapos;s mouth while he shovelled food into it and then talked around it.� I couldnapos;t even tell you how the rest of the movie really was (okay, it was terrifying in itapos;s portrayal of the Presidentapos;s�"issues,"�and some of the impersonations were spot-on, and I loved spotting people who I knew but didnapos;t know were in this, like Ioan Gruffudd and Scott Glenn, but still) because I was hiding my eyes so I didnapos;t have to see anymore masticated food.� Oh my god, so gross.� Seriously, his chin filled a full third of the movie screen.

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So Part 2 of the exercise concluded yesternight leaving us with a huge tsunamic wave of exhaustion in our bodies. (if thereapos;s even such a word ha)�

No doubt the exercise is enriching and eye-opening, what with all the crabs, bars and even star running around planning feverishly non-stop through the entire week. Heck Fab, Pereira, Seah and myself even went through days having only one meal which was breakfast in the morning. The pace fluctuates like an erratic wave, ranging from slack and mono magazine reading time to omfg thereapos;s really no time and deadlineapos;s coming up in five.... Yea u get my drift...

All in all, iapos;m quite glad that they decided to let us have our weekend and not burn it like it was originally meant to and i really need some time off to sit down and just stare at my computer screen, instead of a raiden toughbook and basically not think about circles, lines and symbols for 2 days

This weekendapos;s gonna be a really slow and quiet one for me. Donapos;t have much plans lined up except for titusapos; birthday chalet and my dadapos;s birthday lunch tomorrow... Mmm i might just pop down to ikea with clement or just muck around a bookstore watching the world go by


Next weekend�I promise, letapos;s do something fun. =)

Anyway, the trip has somewhat come to a standstill and iapos;m really quite put off by this. Sigh

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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�I am so angry right now. I�am furious. My mom keeps having me do stupid things all night like go to Wal-Mart and look for things in the �house when i have so much goddam homework to do its crazy. She pisses me off how she doesnapos;t have a real job and thinks sheapos;s stupid so she wonapos;t do anything with her life. She does the same fucking thing every day all day �long and itapos;s annoying as hell. �i hate it. She focuses on retarded negative things. She does the best she can but at the same time thereapos; s so much she can do that she doesnapos;t because sheapos;s scared. She wants me to do things or do things with her that are so childish and stupid because sheapos;s "scared" to do them alone. Itapos;s ridiculous and she would yell at me and say Iapos;m being ridiculous if I asked her to do things with me because Iapos;m "scared". She always tells me thereapos;s nothing to be afraid of but sheapos; afraid of even living life and i have to watch it 24/7. She said people at her dumb work said we sound more like friends and that i have to parent her. I told them i didnapos;t think so but theyapos;re goddam right i do. I do but i canapos;t and i donapos;t. Because itapos;s no my job. I just let her be and do her things so that i can get out. God i hate my life sometimes. I really do. I swear i am so full of hate and rage right no i want to kill something. Damnit

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I think the perfect way to sum up our future is the song Mad World by Gary Jules. I usually have so much hope and im usually so enthused. But I feel like this election is pulling America apart. The media, the 2 parties, the 2 candidates, and anyone else that falls into this growing hatred of opposite parties/ points of veiw. No. Its not even points of veiw anymore. Its the parties. If you assosiate yourself or vote in the direction of one party, you are LABLED. Either way- Republican and Democrat. Bush has made the republican party look horrible. Like a bunch of white rich conservatives. But thats not really all they are. And Democrats look like tree hugging, pro choice, high tax saviors, or in other peoples veiw, socialists. But thats not really all that they are either What ever happened to our constitution? There is no freedom of speech anymore. Its gone. I was watching a mindless stupid reality TV show the other day and one of the girls on the show said that "asians do nails" Asians do nails. Its a fact. Asians DO do nails. As do a minority of white woman. Asians also have the majority at UCLA. Iapos;m not being racist, its just a fact Their culture and the way they were brought up, they are expected to exceed in school. So it goes both ways, they can end up doing nails ( like a lot of them) or become a doctor after graduating from UCLA ( like a lot of them). My point is, is that this woman on this reality TV show, was just REAMED for saying "asians do nails." They called her a racist pig, in other words (and made some unbelievable remarks and threats) I just DONT understand this rising HATRED. PLeaseee help our youth, our culture, SOMEONE. She will probably be eliminated for the comment she made too. So going back to what I started with, there is NO freedom of speech anymore

Sarah Palin has commented over and over again Obamas connections to terrorism, and Islam and what not. You could say shes racist for implying that Obamas connections to the Islam/ Islamic faith is a bad thing. In fact, she probably has been called one because of that. Well you could argue, we DID have a terroist attack no less than 7 years ago, and people are scared of those terrorists and ANYONE connected. Personally, I am damn scared of the terrorists and anyone protecting them. And the Islamic faith puts me on edge, knowing what I know about how they treat women, how they look at the world, and how anyone that doesnapos;t believe the way they believe is lower than them. Theres always 2 sides to the story, and its your perception of, well, LIFE, that lets you decide which side you agree on. Unless you try to change your perception, which could be a whole other journal entry.

Oprah denied a proposal to accept Sarah Palin on the show, all things considered, Iapos;m not surprised at all. But Isnapos;t that being racist against republicans? Donapos;t think thereapos;s not racism in politics, or anything for that matter, there certainly is You can argue that Oprah just doesnapos;t like Palin or her policies, but Iapos;m just trying to make a point? You can call anyone racist. Hell, Iapos;m a fucking racist for admitting that the Islamic faith puts me on edge.


People talk about "peace" and anti-war and "cant we all just get a long" but a lot of those people are the ones hating anyone who doesnt see the world that way ( not all, but some) I donapos;t see the world that way. I know theres evil, deception, greed for money and power, competition, different opinions on every kind of issue. And thats why there never WILL be world peace. Its not being negative, its reality. We can wish, and hope, and pray. There are a lot of good people out there. But what we cant forget is, a lot of them also, are no damn good.
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